Tag Archive | cow

My Baby Pet

Another story Fiona dictated to me at age 3. These are not spelling errors you see; they are the words as she said them to me.

Fun. Once upon a time braids. They were splaining all around with little red riding hood and her (moms). My baby pet is very heavy to hold but it was happy. It was wagging its tail by doing this…flickl, flickl, flickl. Flag and dressy wag. My baby cow 3. But 2 baby cows. Baby cow 3 and 2.

Today we’re going play calls. Today for everybody to not come over. But today they are coming over tonight. But as soon as they get changed; but it’s kind of snowy tonight. But they knew they would put on their hats and make a snowman. Today their snowman was made out of night moon. Today they were sliding. By circling their tails…straking, glide. But their tails were going away.

I’m your little kid’s holding your baby pet. Today they flew. Bloobleie Bolooblie day 2 from to to to from two to one. Clauplinine time. Climb eye me. Sham leme low. Climb oh.

Climb in a tubily. I’m so my baby. My baby pet now.

Dress Two

Another story dictated at 3. Not sure why it’s called Dress Two. You’d have had to ask Fiona way back then.

Once upon a time there were two little Marys. And then the cows were jumping over the moons. And then the cows were jumping over lives and streets. But they were walking in hats this time with tails sticking up and wagging them – really fast.

This cow did, named Humphrey, jumping over a line and another street. Today we’re writing a skateboard story about wagons. Waggin their tails and writing their lails. Then their gals were going jumping over the line. And then they were jumping over hats and lines. But two little Marys and one little riding hood was going to one Mary’s mom and they didn’t want to see little red riding hood.

Then they were slipping in a popcorn chain called cage. Then they were jumping over dots by flying them. But they were too slow so they couldn’t catch up to the planes. And then my stories were all filled.

But today we’re having a story about these clivers. All of the clivers were disappearing from. The end stories. But they were too slow so they couldn’t catch up faster.