From a Pet Rock Expert

Gaaasp! An entirely new page, revolving entirely around pet rocks?! Who would have thought!
What you are about to read is a guide on how to care for a pet rock, written by a pet rock expert, Fiona Canfield. Ahem.

This guide will help you to own and raise your very own pet rock. Before getting a pet rock, you should read this guide to make sure you are ready for the care and responsibility that comes with owning a pet rock. It goes from basic rock care, to advanced information not to be put into use for a rock that has been owned as a pet for under a month, because it needs to trust you first. Let’s begin.

Section 1: Choosing your Pet Rock
Choosing a rock that is right for you can be VERY difficult. You need to carefully approach them, track down one you make a connection to, and make sure it wants to come home with you. However, if you look in the right spots, finding a rock can be very easy. The first thing you need to do is find a rock you really connect with. You’ll know this rock when you see it. Even if you have to search for a long time, though, it’s always better to find the one you connect with and not just a rock you kinda like. Again, you know it when you see it.

Section 2: Rock Naming
Rocks are very interesting when it comes to naming. A rock found in a group of 0-3 rocks is a wild rock, and you are free to give it any name you like. However, in a group of 4 or more, they are civilized rocks named by their parents at birth and it would be rude to name it when it has already been named. If you don’t know if your rock is wild or civilized, just ask its name. A wild one will say it has no name, while a civilized one will tell you whatever name its parents gave it. DO NOT NAME A CIVILIZED ROCK UNLESS IT WANTS YOU TO. Naming a civilized rock that doesn’t want to be named will leave it always a little less happy then it could normally be. If your rock is of wild origin, choose a good name for it. Not Rocky or anything related directly to rocks. Instead, name it Jessica or Kyle or “rock” in another language. As soon as you find a rock you connect with and know its name or have named it, you can ask if it would like to be your pet rock. If you did this right, it will say yes.

Section 3: Making your Rock a Home
Your pet rock now needs a home. (Note: it’s best if you have the home built before you get your rock, so it doesn’t need to wait.) There are multiple ways you can make your pet rock a home. What I did was take a basket and put in some cloth and a sleeping mask as his bed, and used an entire bookshelf for his house. Another way is to use a box and add some smaller boxes for a house, with maybe some furniture made of cardboard and paper. As long as a small rock would enjoy the home you made for it, it should be good. A rock will always appreciate a nice home, even a very simple one.

Where my pet rock Ricky lives.

The home of my pet rock, Ricky!

Section 4: Caring for your Rock
Your rock needs to be cared for just like a dog or a cat or a hamster. They must be fed, entertained, and more. The first thing to do is feed it. They eat flowers and leaves, especially dandelions. Set food near them, and when hungry, they will eat it. You can entertain them by making them little phones, board games, and playing games with them. You can also pet them to comfort them, by rubbing their head.

I will try to update this page whenever I add something to the guide.

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