Yesterday we went back to visit Mrs. Parker’s Kindergarten class. Fiona will have to add her own comments later. She had fun playing with the kids and handing out the journals our family made for them.
The class is going to the aquarium today and we’ve created a page just for them to add comments about their trip.
- Writing with the students
- What fun they all had!
- Playing farm with Jenga blocks
- Passing out the journals we made
- What should we play next?
- Fiona shared her Ukulele with the class
Enjoy the pictures! We respectfully don’t show entire clear faces of children without their parent’s permission.
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Thank you soo much for the journals Fiona! We used them today. Tomorrow we will try to write some of our comments for you.
What a great day you had! It looks like a very busy classroom. I didn’t know you can play the Ukulele. You’re a girl of multi-talents!
Fiona –
Sorry we didn’t write back to you sooner. The projector broke and we couldn’t see your page till we got a new one.
Here are the comments for your Aquarium page…
I saw an octopus! It had 8 legs and it was kind of orangy-pink and it was sticking on the wall of the tank! – Sydney
We saw a fish that was black! – Jaime
I saw a blue shark! It had sharp teeth and it had a long tail! – Luis
I saw a big fish and it was blue underwater. It was swimming around with other fish. It was really big. – Luella
I saw a lot of jelly fish, they were light purple. – Junior
We saw a TIGER! – Carolina
They have Tigers at the Aquarium! Can you believe it?! He was trying to eat us! But he was behind glass and couldn’t get us. – Naiya
I saw a stingray. – Jennifer
A stingray is a fish because, it has scales, fins, tail, eyes, mouth, gills, a backbone, and it’s cold blooded, and it lives in the water. We got to pet the stingray!! – Eli
I drew a picture of the sea star in my journal! – Darline
Dear Fiona –
We went to the zoo after the aquarium trip. It was a great trip too!
I saw a lion at the zoo! – Rubi
I saw a zebra! – Nana-Yaa
I saw a polar bear. – Deborah
I saw a Komodo Dragon! – Kattie
I saw a peacock. – Devin
I saw a big turtle. – Brenner
I saw a seal. We were talking to them, and they made this weird noise! – A’Mya
I saw a snake. It was green and it had black and white on it. – Patrick
I saw a snake that was eating a rat! – Khamil
I saw a kangaroo. – Aaron
I saw a king snake. – Tessa
We hope that you can come back. You are fun to play with!
Love, Mrs. Parker’s Class
Not exactly multi-talents. (I do not know how to play the ukulele). 🙁 At least,I am talented! 🙂
Tiger FISH,you mean?