Archive | March 2011

Visit to the Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix Arizona

This past Saturday we visited the Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix Arizona. And we got to see the seasonal butterfly exhibit.

Big Sister’s Wedding Day

Fiona got to be the flower girl for her big sister’s wedding yesterday. Fiona walked down the aisle with one of the groom’s little cousins, Wyatt.

Fiona the flower girl

Fiona the flower girl

The groom, Ryan, also had his sister, Kelsey in the wedding who was walked down the aisle by Fiona’s big brother, James.

Fiona’s grandma Susan (Fiona’s mommmy’s mom) was walked down the aisle by Ryan.

Fiona and Wyatt walking down the aisle

Fiona and Wyatt walking down the aisle

It was a very special day and we all had a lot of fun.

My Grandma Susan - my mommy's mom

My Grandma Susan - my mommy's mom

And one more picture of the wedding!

Kelsey, the groom's sister and James, my big brother

Kelsey, the groom's sister and James, my big brother

Traveling Again After the Wedding

Birds in the trees at the rest stop in California

Birds in the trees at the rest stop in California

We took off again. Along the way we stopped at a rest stop in California and Fiona took some pictures of mommy, birds and the ground and trees.
See the bird?

See the bird?

Fiona took this picture of the ground at the rest area

Fiona took this picture of the ground at the rest area

Enjoy the photos!


This entry was posted on March 21, 2011.

Flower Power

Fiona wrote this poem the other day about being flower girl for her big sister’s wedding this coming Saturday.

I am going

to be my sister’s

flower girl.

The dress is white (ivory really) and has sparkly sequins and we’re adding a clover green sash and bow.

Fiona also drew this picture that has nothing to do with being a flower girl.

House sitting kitties

She wrote about how she's going to house sit kitties in Colorado in April.

This entry was posted on March 17, 2011.


Sometimes traveling is boring. Like when I stayed in montreal. There were 3,3 Only 3 KIDS. I was the 4th. AND oldest!!!!!!! I thoght it was B O R I N G.

Amend from Mommy: What are you talking about? You know you had fun!

Interesting Cacti Facts at Burnt Well Rest Area and Wind Energy

We had an early morning rise Monday, February 28, at 7 am to start the trek from Arizona back to California for three weeks. Our first stop was at the Burnt Well Rest area about 80 miles from the California border.Burnt Well Rest Area

We took this picture of facts posted about cacti you might find interesting.

Cacti facts

Cacti facts

A bit later we stopped at another rest stop and learned about wind energy. This area has lots of windmills in a wind farm.

Wind Energy facts

Wind Energy facts

Fiona had her first YooHoo, a chocolate drink, at Fab Hot Dog in Los Angeles.Fiona